Applications are now open for September 2024. Apply online via our "Apply Now" button. 

The content covers the age range from birth to 5 years and includes the following areas:

  • enabling children to learn
  • promoting health and wellbeing
  • special educational needs
  • working with families implementing change

Learners will develop and use skills of leadership, mentoring, coaching and reflection as they complete the qualification through work-based learning opportunities.

Who is this course for?

This course is suitable for learners aged 18 and over who are currently employed as an Early Years Level 3 practitioner and looking to develop leadership and specialist skills for use in their current role, or in preparation to take on a specialist role such as a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator or a Physical Activity and Nutrition Co-ordinator.

It would also suit learners who want to progress to further learning to take on a position of leadership within the setting.

Why study an Introduction to Early Years Education and Care?

This qualification will prepare you for study at a higher level. If you would like information on any of our Higher Education courses, please call 0161 666 8215.

Course Length

10 months (You can enrol anytime). 

Entry requirements 

  • You must hold a Functional Skills qualification at level 2 or a GCSE Grade C or above in English and maths.
  • You must be employed in an Early Years setting at Level 3 to complete this qualification.
  • You must hold a Level 3 Early Years/ Childcare qualification.
  • You must be aged 18 years or over.
  • You must successfully complete a written task prior to enrolment.


Please contact the Admissions Team by calling 0161 666 8215 or emailing

September 2024.
Ofsted OutstandingStamford Park TrustSFCATES FE Awards 2019AoCDisability ConfidentTime to changeStonewall School ChampionGMCA EUCyber EssentialsTOG Mind Mental Health Ambassador