Duke of Edinburgh’s Award – Practice Expedition

25 April 2014

The students travelled from Ripon to York on The River Ure, camping at various locations along the way.

The majority of students who come to Ashton Sixth Form College with their Bronze or Silver awards complete walking expeditions with their schools, nationally 93% of expeditions are completed on foot. Here at Ashton we like to do things differently (and level the playing field for all participants) so all Gold expeditions are completed by Canoe or Kayak, helping our students to learn new skills and stand out from the crowd.

The students have been attending Canoe and Kayak practice sessions with resident canoe instructor, and ICT teacher Tim Crowther. Tim puts students through their paces at a variety of destinations throughout the student’s second year in preparation for their final (qualifying) expedition which takes place after the final exam period.

The group are currently finalising their route cards for their final expedition which will take them to the River Wye, near Hereford.

A huge well done goes to all the students involved for their commitment, determination and hard work throughout.

“The group did very well and I am very proud of them as they used all the skills they had been taught in their training sessions, however getting up and getting going in a morning is something still to be worked on!” Tim Crowther

Click here to see more images from the trip on our Facebook gallery.

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