Realising Aspirations in-college sessions began

17 January 2019

Realising Aspirations in-college sessions began with Dr. Clifford Richardson from the University of Manchester.

Life Sciences students attended the lecture on 'Phantom Pain'. Dr. Clifford Richardson is a Senior Lecturer in Nursing and spoke about his particular areas of research.

Students on the Realising Aspirations programme choose a particular strand that interests them most. They then attend various sessions throughout their first year of college relating to their subject. Leading lecturers and professors in their field visit the college to inform and inspire students on the breadth of their subjects. Students are able to understand about the range of career pathways available and the endless opportunities.

The in-college sessions that also took place from other strands included 'British Gothic and Dark Histories' with MMU, 'Computers and Brains' with Manchester University, and the 'Law of Selfies' with UOL. Students are able to attend any other in-college sessions on the programme as a way of broadening their understanding and trying out new things. 

As part of the Realising Aspirations programme, students also have the opportunity to visit a university across the country to explore university life. Most recently, Life Sciences students visited Newcastle University for a day of Genetics and DNA. 

Find out more about Realising Aspirations here.

Tags: realising aspirations guest speaker visitor science and maths

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