Coronavirus response update - 05.06.20

5 June 2020

Coronavirus response update 5th June 2020


I have received notification this afternoon that the Director of Population Health at Tameside Council has recommended that all education settings should remain closed until at least the 22nd June. I have attached a copy of the letter I received today here. It seems that the regional R rate has moved above 1, and current stands as 1.01 in the North West.  

As a result, we are postponing our opening until at least the 22nd June. 

When I have more information, I will share it with you.

Thank you for your support and patience at this difficult time.



I hope this finds you and your family well, health and safe. We are approaching the end of another week of college closure and we are in our final stages of preparation for reopening. For clarity, below is a list of key dates:

Monday 15th June: online live lessons begin for 50% of the timetable for all subjects. Teachers will be in touch with their students to arrange times.

Monday 22nd June: the college reopens for a small number of invited students for some face to face support. Invites will be sent to students next week.  

We will send guidance documents to all students and their parents before we reopen so you can understand what we are doing and why, and see what we have done to make the college campus safe. Our main method of teaching and learning will remain online through Canvas.

A few updates:

Tameside Council have many support and information documents which may be of use and interest. They can be found at

For those of you who enjoy a challenge, we have entered into the Association of Colleges (AOC) ‘Go The Distance Strava Challenge’ which is open to both staff and students / parents. To enter, download the free Strava app (from the Apple store if you have an iPhone or from Google Play if you have an Android phone) and create an account. Once you have set this up, join the ASFC clubs for running and cycling.

The challenges: walk or run aiming to cover the equivalent distance from the AoC's most southern member college to their most northern member college ( a total of 456 miles), or enter the cycling challenge and aim to cover the equivalent distance of cycling to every member college in the UK ( a total of 3369 miles).

The challenge will start on Monday 8 June and will end on Sunday 5 July. Each activity submitted, no matter how short, will count towards the college total. Prizes are up for grabs for the college that has the most students / parents engaging with the challenges as well as the most activities. All colleges achieving the total distances will be entered into regional prize draws.

College clubs on Strava:

Ashton Sixth Form Running club:

Ashton Sixth Form Cycling club:

Good luck with all that!

That’s all for today.

Take care, look after yourself, your families and each other; be patient and stay positive.



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