Coronavirus response update - 16.06.20

16 June 2020

Coronavirus response update 16th June 2020

Some good news today! The Government has decide to fund free school meals across the summer period. This has always been an issue and food poverty in the summer is a real concern in the Tameside area for a number of our students. As an Evertonian, this is probably the only time that I will praise Marcus Rashford as a Manchester United player, but he has been instrumental in highlighting this as an issue and forcing this change. Well done to him! The details of this change have not been released to date; we will be in touch once we have more information.

Just one update today:

Live lessons are working really well. I have had a number of positive emails from parents and students about our new way of working. To add a sense of scale, there were 777 online ‘meetings’ in the last week, with the vast majority of these being online lessons. Thank you for your help in making this change to live online teaching and learning; it’s a great step in the right direction.

That’s all for today

Take care, look after yourself, your families and each other; be patient and stay positive.


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