Huddersfield University explore careers in Psychology
First year Psychology students are currently remote learning from home. Despite this, the department are working hard to ensure students have access to opportunities that allow them to hear from universities and employers.
Psychology students attended a virtual careers talk led by the University of Huddersfield.
They were able to learn about the university and the range of psychology related degree programmes they offer. Students then also attended a session on Personality Psychology led by a university lecturer, a topic which is part of one of the core modules on the Psychology degree.
Students were given an introduction to university life and also gained an insight in to university-level study. For those thinking about a career in the psychology sector, the talk was invaluable in helping them make important decisions about their futures. Especially, as towards the end of first year and at the beginning of their second year, students start to make their university applications via UCAS.
Find out more about studying Psychology at Ashton here.
Tags: psychology social sciences criminology