Another successful Access Week for 2024 OxNet students

28 August 2024


Six Ashton Sixth Form College students recently completed OxNet’s 2024 programme, travelling down to Pembroke College, Oxford for Access Week. Access Week is an academically intense summer residential that provides a variety of activities to prepare students for life as an Oxford undergraduate. From tutorial groups to trips/visits, lectures and workshops, the week allows students to explore new topics outside of the curriculum and work with academics leading in their field.

Students from the North West, North East and London have completed one of six OxNet programmes including:

  • Philosophy & World Religions
  • Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Languages
  • English
  • Science
  • Heritage 360

As Pembroke College was celebrating it’s 400-year anniversary, there was also bespoke activities running throughout the week for OxNet students. At the beginning of the week, students began with The Thomas Browne Oration made at the College’s Foundation 400 years ago in Latin, followed by historical music, dance and drama and a lecture on the history of the college by Greg Neale.

Access Week 2024:

Day 1 - After a busy day of travelling, students were welcomed to Pembroke College by Dr Peter Claus and OxNet Officer, Morgan Lewis. In the evening, students attended a drinks reception and dinner.

Day 2 - Students participated in their first tutorial, experiencing an Oxbridge tutorial and working closely with academics leading in their field on a variety of essay questions and problem sheets. They also began the week with Librarian, Laura, with an introduction to essay writing; 400th anniversary celebrations; Ted-talks on Christchurch Meadows with undergraduate mentors; and a Quiz on one of Pembroke’s Quads.

Day 3 - In the morning, students explored Oxford and went on various trips including Oxford Botanic Gardens, Oxford Castle & Prison and museums such as, the Ashmolean, Pitt Rivers and Natural History. In the afternoon, students worked on their essay and had mock interviews with their subject programmes, gaining feedback on what went well and how they can improve. In addition, each programme went into subject specific sessions.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Day 4 – Students had the option to explore subjects outside of their programme and participate in workshops throughout the day. As they were handing in their essays/problem sheets for their second tutorial in the day, the evening consisted of 400th anniversary celebrations, creating 400 postcards with the Artist in Residence for the week. Students heard from Professor Giles Gasper (Professor in High Medieval History at Durham University), expanding on the theme ‘360 at 400’.

Day 5 – Students participated in their final tutorial and gained valuable feedback from their tutors on submitted work. Science students presented their posters to the whole cohort, before they all joined a UCAS personal statement session. In the evening, all attended a keynote lecture delivered by Dr. Nicholas Cole followed by the annual Joseph Owen Formal Dinner.

Day 6 – Before the journey home, all programmes attended an award ceremony where certificates and prizes were awarded by Dr Peter Claus.

A huge congratulations to Reya (Philosophy & World Religions), Mo (Science), Cerys (Science), Aiofe (Languages), Ella (English) and Olivia (English) for completing OxNet 2023/24. All students throughout the week received excellent feedback from visiting academics and OxNet Coordinators for their commitment and attitude to the programme.

Ashton Sixth Form College is proud to partner with Pembroke College and be the host hub school for the Goldsmiths’ and Sutherland Centre for Philosophy and World Religions.



Tags: pembroke north Pembroke College oxnet

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