Duke of Edinburgh – Practice Expedition

18 April 2013

It’s not just A-Levels and BTECs at Ashton Sixth Form College, we offer a host of enrichment activities too, including the opportunity to complete the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award to Gold level.

Upper sixth students working towards their Gold Award completed their practise expedition over the Easter break. The expedition involved 3 nights away from home, staying in tents and being self sufficient for the trip, including carrying everything they required for the journey and cooking all their meals. The students also needed to be fit, with over 30 miles of river to navigate between Ripon and York on the River Ure.

The students did really well despite unseasonably cold weather, let’s hope the sun comes out and the rivers are flowing well for their final Expedition in July. You can see a full photo gallery by visiting our Facebook page www.facebook.com/ashtonsixthformcollege

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