Student Nursing Times Awards – Children’s Nurse of the Year

11 June 2014

Former Ashton Sixth Form College student Emma Hogan was recently named Children’s Nurse of the Year at the Student Nursing Times Awards in London. Emma, 21 is in her final year at Huddersfield University where she is studying Child Nursing.

Emma has three younger sisters so had always thought about working with children, but hadn’t considered nursing until she discovered more about paediatric nursing.

“I had a gap year and did voluntary work at the children’s ward at Tameside Hospital and that confirmed to me that I wanted to do it”

Speaking about the award she was presented with at the London Award’s Ceremony Emma commented; “I didn’t think I’d win. I just thought I’d go for the day out in London. The award is going to be a good thing to put on my CV and I just didn’t think I’d win so I am really shocked”

Emma is due to finish her university studies in September and she is expected to achieve a First-Class Honours and is hoping to progress to work in general paediatric nursing or A&E, before choosing where to specialise.

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