Coronavirus response update - 25.03.20

25 March 2020

There isn't a lot to update today, but one important piece of information came out of UCAS yesterday. The Government has asked universities to stop making unconditional offers or amending existing offers for two weeks. This is because they are worried students will feel pressured to accept these offers over others which might be better suited to them. Our advice to students who have received an unconditional offer would always be to carefully consider whether it is the right university and course for them; in essence, think before you make any decision. UCAS has extended the offer deadline in May; individual students affected by this change will receive an email from UCAS with the new information once set. It might be worth discussing this with your son or daughter if they have any concerns, or suggesting that your son or daughter contacts their senior tutor for advice. Senior tutors will be able to arrange for an online careers appointment if necessary.  

We have been advised that more information may come to the fore later in the week on the mechanism for awarding grades for A level, GCSE and BTEC level 2 and three qualifications. We will let you know as soon as this is released. In the meantime, Ofqual have released a statement on vocational qualifications and how grades may be awarded. The statement can be found at

Thank you for your support, co-operation and patience at this difficult time; we really appreciate it.

Finally, stay positive, look after each other, be kind and stay safe. 

Take care.


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