Work experience for Sam at the Co-op Head Office

17 July 2018

A first year student of Ashton Sixth Form College recently had a taste of what his future career could look like.

Sam Shaw (17), who is currently studying Business, Philosophy and English, undertook a week’s work experience for the Co-ops’ award winning in-house PR department in Manchester.

Sam took his first step into his aspiring career into journalism, working alongside senior members of the Co-ops PR department and gaining an insight into both the history and the future of the business.

During his week Sam gained valuable knowledge from which he hopes will better his chances of achieving a place in Leeds University, one that is credited for its journalism department.

“This experience was a great asset for my future and has made me think about going into a role in a PR department after University, whereas before the idea was to go straight to journalism. I’d just like to thank everybody I got the opportunity to work with in my week at The Co-op”

Sam’s first day of working with The Co – op included a tour of the building and the history behind the surrounding area. The building in which Sam’s work experience took place is situated at One Angel Square, Manchester and was opened back in 2013 by the Queen. At the time, the building was announced as the greenest building in Europe.

The area surrounding has an extensive history behind it, and was once home to numerous mills, the most well-known of these being Arkwright’s collection. These mills forwarded the industrial revolution in Manchester. The rich history of the area is still evident today with numerous buildings bearing the “C.W.S” logo.  During the day Sam also began to write a press release.

Sam is now considering his future career as a result of the week and states

“It has given me a lot to think about in terms of future work. There was more to PR than I initially thought, and doing the week at the Co – Op has helped paint a clearer image of what PR is.”  

Tags: careers english work placement business work experience humanities

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